Proposed Bar and Restaurant in Algodones

Proposed Bar and Restaurant in Algodones

Owners of a property in Algodones, right off the I-25 freeway and to the west of it, have applied to open a store, restaurant and bar there. The area is presently zoned to allow for businesses, including stores, restaurants and bars, but requires that they be closed by 9 PM. The applicant has requested Conditional Use zoning to allow the establishment to be open until 2 AM. The County Planning and Zoning Commission has twice denied this application to extend the hours of operation until 2 AM. The applicant is appealing this denial to the Sandoval County Commission.

That appeal will be heard at the County Commission Meeting on July 18, 2013, at the Sandoval County Administration Building. The meeting begins at 6 PM, though this agenda item will probably be heard later in the meeting.

Algodones, our neighbor to the north, relies on the same Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office for their police protection as does Placitas. Both areas also rely on the same fire and rescue services. In addition, other than the casinos, there are no establishments, that serve liquor, open later than 10 pm in the Placitas, Algodones, Bernalillo area. Statistics show that establishments serving liquor tend to have more need for police, fire and rescue services the later in the evening they are open. We all have to share the same emergency services we have in Sandoval County.

Many Algodones residents have previously objected to the granting of a later closing time for this proposed bar and restaurant. If you wish to make your opinion known on this matter, you may attend the Sandoval County Commission meeting.

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One Response to Proposed Bar and Restaurant in Algodones

  1. Orin says:

    Last Thursday the County Commission met to consider the appeal. After testimony was presented by both the applicant and citizens, the applicant’s lawyer offered 2 concessions: 1) The packaged liquor part of the operation would close at 10 PM; 2) The bar/restaurant would close at 12 midnight.

    The Commission then voted to remand the application, with these 2 concessions, back to the Planning & Zoning Commission for consideration. The vote was 3 to 2, with Commissioners Lucero and Walters voting No. There is no announcement yet as to when this will be heard at the P&Z Commission.

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